My first Doctor Who comic story as an adult hit UK shelves today. I've written Earworm, in Doctor Who Adventures magazine. Featuring the Eleventh Doctor (or Matt Smith, to most non-fan folk), Amy and Rory, it's about a young boy who keeps hearing weird music. He's persuaded to visit a doctor, who turns out to be... well, I'm sure you can imagine.
As I love both Doctor Who and comic books, this is a significant development for me, and also a deep source of joy.
In further Who news, the next thing of mine to be released is my Doctor Who BBC audiobook The Gemini Contagion. Read by the excellent Meera Syal, it's out in the UK on March 10 as a single CD story - and also as a double-pack with Martin Day's The Jade Pyramid from March 15. Excellent! I was recently interviewed about The Gemini Contagion by a couple of Doctor Who magazines, so those should be out closer to release.
Good day to you, specialface.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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