The previous year, at an SFX convention, I met the lovely Rebecca 'Bex' Levene for the first time. A fair few Doctor Who fans may recognise her name, as she edited the Virgin Who books for a while. Anyway, Bex tipped me off that Black Flame had acquired the license for various horror franchises, including A Nightmare On Elm Street, Final Destination and... Friday The 13th. I immediately grabbed the poor girl's shoulders and forcefully shook her until she gave me the information I demanded.

Ahem. Anyway, the green light. That's when the real work began. The novel had to be 95,000 words. Which sounds a lot. And by God, it is. As much as I absolutely loved writing Hate-Kill-Repeat, I think that three-month process cemented my resolve to focus on scripts. What a slog. Not that scripting's a walk in the park, but at least you can feasibly write the rough first draft of a movie script in a week...
H-K-R's protagonist (or Final Girl, to use slasher movie parlance) was Halo Harlan, a pregnant trailer-trash girl with a no-good boyfriend, who naturally ends up running for her life from Jason Voorhees and going through seven shades of hell. Thrown into the mix were two FBI agents and a pair of serial killers. The latter duo, Norwood and Penelope Thawn, were especially good fun to write, being outwardly charming and cultured, but secretly hardline, hypocritical moral crusaders on a misguided mission to join forces with Jason Voorhees and cleanse the world of sin.

I'm still very proud of HKR. I'm loathe to actually read it now, sadly, because I'm sure I'd notice plenty of clunky prose or scene choices which I'd write differently, even given its pulpy tone. Still, it certainly delivers on rapid-fire pacing, gore and body count (didn't take me long to lose count of the dead), and includes a big twist which I still love, along with a fan-pleasing, continuity-tying climax. Perhaps the biggest reward is that the majority of fans online seemed to really like it. It received generally good reviews on Amazon, and appeared to be thought of as one of the Friday series' better novels. Sadly, and somewhat inexplicably I have to say, the Friday novel line ended after five entries.
When I wrote the novel, I was already obsessed with screenwriting. While it was a great experience, it also cemented my resolve to make it in Scriptsville. Thankfully, the urge to write a novel hasn't returned, especially as my watchword for 2009 is "focus". Much less confusing when you know which medium you want to work in.
Here's hoping that the new Friday The 13th film will jump-start the franchise all over again. Jason Voorhees must not die. And you can't keep a good maniac down.
2005 interview with me about Friday The 13th: Hate-Kill-Repeat
PDF of Friday The 13th: Hate-Kill-Repeat's first chapter
Friday The 13th: Hate-Kill-Repeat on Amazon UK
Friday The 13th: Hate-Kill-Repeat on Amazon US
Official site of the Friday The 13th remake
Danny Stack on Friday The 13th superstition
My guide to 10 Great Slasher Movies
My interview with Adam Marcus, director of Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday
My interview with Sean Cunningham, director of the original Friday The 13th
My interview with Harry Manfredini, who scored most of the Friday films
No where in Cornwall is showing the remake! It's Friday the 13th! On Friday the 13th! What are they thinking? I'll just have to content myself with the screening of Evil Dead 2 in Penryn tonight.
Good Lord in heaven man, could this be the longest post in this blog's history?
I read your novel recently (ish), as I twittered earlier - sadly for you I bought it in a charity shop for 55p so I don't suppose you got any royalties. And I must admit to not reading every single page because I foolishly put it down and one of the EVIL CRETINS I share the house with put it somewhere completely ridiculous, but very nice the book was too - in a gory, splashy-guts kinda way. The best way as we all know. BRAINS...
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