God, that sounds great. And in a very real sense, it is.
Look At Me, my and director Dan Turner's short, is the opening film at tonight's Candid Projection Room - a screening/networking event thrown by the Candid Arts Trust. If you haven't had a chance to see the film yet, then why not trundle along, hmm?

In festival news, the film has been nominated for an award at next month's Heart Of England Film Festival, and has been selected by the Winnipeg International Film Festival. Hopefully, more selections and perhaps nominations will follow as the year progresses.
Dan and I are off to Cannes next week, to have meetings about our next project, the feature-film ASK, while showcasing Look At Me. It's a tremendously exciting prospect. While I'm mindful of the insane amount of nonsense which is legendarily uttered at Cannes by industry folk, it feels significant to be attending as a screenwriter, rather than as a journalist. We shall drink too much, talk too much and generally be too much.
How exciting. Have a good time in Cannes xx
Exciting times! Also, double glazing services are Wednesdays, so whenever's good for you... (but don't tell Denny).
Yay, that all sounds fantastic. Hope Cannes is good!
Will your film be crossing the border, sir? x
Laura, if you look out of your back window, it's playing on a hastily-erected screen in your garden! Possibly.
Tonight? Ah bugger.
I downloaded it off Dan's website following the easy instructions - I think it just said 'click here to download' - and it got to the point the still is from and then froze.
Tried in in both Quicktime and VLC and the results were the same: Got so far in and then there was nuffink.
So I watched the new episode of Lost instead.
Cool beans! Have a good time at the screening and Cannes.
It's all too much! Congrats, and here's hoping as Laura said, that it crosses the border.
good dog. thanks for letting us know about the download freeze. The web guy is on it!
definitely a problem
Have fun. Looking forward to the posts about it.
I thought you were being a dirty tease.
Usually I have to pay good money for that.
Should have noticed something was amiss because when it started downloading the window didn't give an estimated finish time. It was more like:
"Downloading xkps of... dunno."
Which was helpful as always.
It was rather a neat episode of Lost but I would eventually like to know what happens with the wall of giant freaking eyeballs.
Did the memo go round as to what ASK stood for?
Is the K for Killers? S for Serial. Or Saints. A for.... a word that begins with A?
One of those I believe to be right.
Hi Good dog.
yeah. the joys of web authoring huh?
I'm told its being fixed, so we won't tease you much longer.
If you want it sooner you can get it direct here: www.dan-turner.com/lam_movie.mov
as for ASK. I hope I am not upstaging Jason on his own Blog by saying that we will be doing a joint Blog announcement from Cannes next week.
(provided we can type with that much alcohol blur)
Well done Jason and Dan. Leave no party un-crashed.
Download of Look At Me is fixed!
We shall be expecting a full report from Cannes.
In a stuffy meeting room.
With PowerPoint.
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