But I couldn't leave it there, oh no. Because when I woke up the next morning it was still funny. So I forced Stuart Perry, at ballpoint, to perform two trailers for the film.
The first trailer, here, was delivered during Perry's "I've lost my voice" period, which added to the general sense of claustrophobic fear and unease, I think you'll agree:
The second trailer, here, was recorded on the last night of the festival, in the infamous Room Of Doom, 109. It is utterly terrifying.
There is also now a poster for this truly diabolical sequel. Drink it up, horror lovers...

Lastly, there has been talk of how much fun the SWF was, but no tell of the dangers lurking within its walls. Look at this with your mind:
Normal SWF coverage will be resumed asap. Apologies.
Was the spider going in after a fly?
Oh yes I did… I made a nursery rhyme joke, and I’d do it again. Oh yes.
Do we have any proof that the spider was going in?
Could it not be that the spider was coming out?
And that inside the Arnoppskin you are in fact entirely composed of spiders?
He incubates them in his eyes, you know.
Thank you Piers for that nightmare inducing image.
What I really want to know is if it is true that in a room full of clever writer types, nobody stood up proudly and said “Look thee yonder, an orrible creepy crawly . . . With a spider on his face”.
Don't be scared of the classics!!!
Jason, I am frustrated in my still-not-got-round-to-fixing-my-PC state, at not being able to view any of the embedded videos on your blog (my work firewall blocks all video hosting sites). I'm keen to know whether I'm making a large or just a medium-sized arse of myself in these clips.
Lord Perry, I would compare it to quite a neat and tidy arse. Think Charlotte Church, rather than Bella Emberg. I'm also doing my bit for arsedom by looking horrendous in that spider video.
Very, very disturbing. I hope it left no arachnopoo in your lashes.
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