So here's The System for this week. As Harry Hill says, you've gotta have a system. It's a good one, too:
Mornings are for bread-and-butter type work - designing crosswords, writing advertorial copy, interviewing people, that kind of thing. Oh, and the odd bit of bloggery-pokery.
Afternoons are for some serious script work on the feature project known as ASK. I'm really hoping to get 10 pages out per day. After all, this system will be blown apart next week when I'm temping at heat magazine. So this is a very important week. Need to break the first draft's back.
Evenings are potentially for yet more ASK scriptage, depending on how tired my imaginative muscles are feeling. But they're also for watching films. Oh yes. I've had a bizarre syndrome, this last 12 months or so, whereby I've found it really hard to sit down and watch a film from start to finish - especially when alone. I have a theory that this was because I felt guilty for watching someone else's film rather than writing my own. It's a bad, bad way to be. But now that I am writing a film, the guilt seems to have eased off.
Why, only yesterday I watched two films. Okay, so I watched Tenacious D In The Pick Of Destiny with morning company, but then that evening I viewed Hot Fuzz in its entirety! All by myself! Woo-hoo! Someone bake a cake. Both films were, incidentally, tremendous fun and made me laugh my spleen loose. So I'd best nip over to A&E for a bit. That's the system screwed, then.
UPDATE: I've discovered that mornings are also for twatting about with a remote-control Dalek.
was gonna say right there with you on the " twatting about with a remote-control Dalek." But then YOU'VE probably got a full size solid gold beer-dispensing Dalek given to you by Billie Piper in return for sexual favours, haven't you? Eh??
This is true, sir. Except you missed out the fact that Billie's also INSIDE the Dalek, helping control it from within, while occasionally chirping, "Is this what you want it to do, baby?".
I've got the remote control K9, we should have a fight.
Billie's INSIDE the Dalek?? You're missing a trick there sir, that Miss Piper is one dirty...
...I've said too much.
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