So now, I need to update the treatment, ready to spend October writing the script. And before that, there's a short script to work on, which Dan's planning to film fairly soon. Oh yes, it's all happening...
Had the pleasure of bumping into Paul Campbell at the train station this morning - he and a colleague were arriving for another day at the BBC's Writing Academy, which is now in its second week. As he says in his latest post, it's "bloody hard work", but in an immensely positive way. Which kinda sums up writing as a whole, doesn't it?
Disclaimer: Any card players pictured on Jason Arnopp's blog may not necessarily be the ones he encountered in real life, during his wacky adventures.
Hi Jason.
i notice you sometimes get to mingle/interview famous faces I was wondering if you've ever slept with any of them or maybe got to first base. If so who were they and what was it like.
Billy Mummford
Hi Billy!
Sure, no problem. Shall I go alphabetically by first name? Well, there was the late, great
Darn, wait a minute, I've left the gas on. I'll get back to you, yeah? Nice one.
I know for a *fact* that Jason has slept with Ralph Richardson, snogged a cardboard cutout of Jessica Rabbit, and squeezed Bob Holness' balls during a drunken overnight train journey to catch the Holyhead ferry. How do I know? I just do.
Lucky chap... drink, a train AND a ferry! Hoorah for alcohol fuelled journeys!
...or maybe I missed the point. ;-)
First base? What the hell is that?
Good to see you too, Jason.
First base... that's like Rammstein in Germany, isn't it?
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