Just had to stop and re-read that sentence, there, and it felt as good to absorb as it did to write. I've spent this week writing a 10-page treatment for the feature-length project, which is currently known as ASK, and then I've got five weeks to deliver the first draft. Director Dan Turner and I have developed the idea, and Dan will direct. We're also working on a short, which will hopefully be filmed beforehand. Marvellous! See those fireworks? They're happening inside my brain.
Yay! Hooray! Hoorah! Well done you.
May I be the second to congratulate you, good sir. I shall eat part of tonight's celebratory chippy tea and sink a few litres of alcomohol tonight in your honour.
Cheers Ms Smith! And ooh, Mr Conway, a chippy dinner. That sounds like a damn fine idea. As does the alcomomohomol.
:) Wonderful news sir! Congratulations!!
Congratulations good Sir!!! Well done!!!
Wow. Congrats, dude! :)
Nice one! any chance on you elaborating on contracts and options and stuff or is it confidential?
Hello Jason. I know I don't know you I know from a bar of soap, but congratulations anyway. It's like witnessing the birth of a new star in the night sky for all us writers!
Hello Jason. I know I don't know you I know but congratulations anyway. It's like witnessing the birth of a new star in the smog covered night sky above London.(2nd draft). Let us hope this has a snowball effect to all us writers.
Brilliant! Way to go, Jason!
well done sir
Congratulations and three cheers for Jason Arnopp, Proper Screenwriter™.
A chippy tea is always a damn fine idea before embarking on a night of carousing. I think it saved me from a hangover from hell and the cursing of your very name this morning.
Bloody good show Jason.
The first of many I've no doubt.
Thank you, you frighteningly special people.
Potters: Without elaborating too much, it's a nicely straightforward set-up. Magician are paying me to write the script, no options involved. :)
Well done sir!
So this script ASK is set in the restaurants of the same name I take it? ; )
Well done sir. I knew of course, but that's 'cos I am psychic and not because you told me. And not because it was pillow talk either. *ahem*
Absolutely bloody marvelous!
Absolutely bloody marvelous!
Congrats, don't forget to update your 'about me'.
Congrats again, sir! Truly you are a Metal God. Three cheers for the Arnopp!
Congratulations. Now, back to work!
Fantastic, well done. I'm new to all this so I'll be following your progress.
Nice one!
Congrats, Jase!
Well done, Mr Arnopp! Keep us all informed on the progress over the next few weeks.
What the others said, but with 25lb of delicious, yummy goodness in my tummy, sugar on top.
It's a special occasion, so I hope you went the xtra mile and splashed out on a pea fritter too.
I am currently drinking my tea in honour of your brilliant news. What a big-shot you are!
Well done Jason!
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