I haven't written one of these in a while, so needed a refresher. My eyes scanned along my desk's book shelf (flitting past Robert McKee's Story, as usual - I've yet to brave it. Does that make me a bad man?) and found something I bought at the LA Screenwriter's Expo last year. An A4-sized Treatment Pack by David S. Freeman, containing examples of treatments in various genres, as well as hints and tips. It's a nice, simple practical read and it's presumably still available through the man's website. It's definitely available at the Writer's Store here. By coincidence, Freeman is also lecturing in London this week (I swear I'm not on commission for this stuff), so check out the dates if you're interested in an audience with the man behind Beyond Structure.
David Bishop's short script Danny's Toys has won the Short category of the PAGE International Screenwriting Awards! This is absolutely top notch news, so if you haven't already yelled "Yes! You mad robotic genius!" at the man, then kindly do so, forthwith. I have no idea what 'forthwith' means, incidentally, but it felt so right.
For the sake of all that is evil and unholy, DON'T read McKee's book. Heave it out the nearest window, prop up a table with it, eat it, anything, just don't read it. Bag. Of. Shite. Get rid of it now.
Don't worry your homicidal little head about it sir: it wasn't on my To Do list. Just looks faintly impressive when people come 'round.
I think I might work some scissor-magic on the tome, and transform it into an elaborate paper hat.
Whilst I don't have quite the same vitriol that Mr. Moran does for Story, I got approximately one piece of good advice from its 600+ pages.
I learned way more from Which Lie Did I Tell?, particularly the bit where Goldman gives you half an original script then gets a bunch of top level scribes to critique it. Plus, if you get bored, there's loads of Hollywood gossip in it.
I think James is right. The Freeman pack looks way more approachable.
Story "looks vaguely impressive"????????
Are you MAD???
Everyone in the world has a copy of that book. The only reason I don't is because I accidentally set it on fire. By putting it on the FRIGGING BARBEQUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JAYSUS, madam, have the '?' and '!' buttons gone all sticky on your keyboard???????!!!!!!!!
And I forgot -
I can't believe I ever let you feel me up. Even though it was 12 years ago. THE SHAME.
Gasp!!!!! How COULD you reveal that, madam?????!!!!!
Move along folks... nothing to see here. Ahem.
Wasn't that what I said?! ; P
Madam, I am crushed.
But only because a wardrobe's just fallen on me. Thankfully, I can still reach the laptop keyboard.
You journos are all full of hot air. I have moved on to greater, more meaty stuff my friend!
Why, are you opening a butcher's?
Arnopp feels me up all the time, he said I was the only one. Bastard.
See, that's the problem with the internet. All yer old flames get to talk.
I wouldn't say flame my friend, more of a wisp of smoke. From the end of a match. But nice while it lasted.
Hmmm. Not sure I'm keen on that matchstick comparison... :)
(adopts Harold Steptoe tone)
You DIRTY old man!
Yes I was 16, innocent I was too --until Jason arrived on the horizon like a predator in a METALLICA tee shirt. Outrageous. My life was never the same again. Never! I may sue.
DISCLAIMER: Any fooling around which happened prior to the March 2007 instatement of this blog is the fooler and the foolee's own goddamn fault. Good day to you. :)
What's this??? You've fooled around with Lucy? When she was 16! Need details, tell us everything. And I especially want to know when you fit this in since I've known her since she was ten and I was about 13 and she's never mentioned fooling around with journalists with sort-of goattees (it looks that way in your pic.)
Since YOU were 13? It was ME who introduced her to you let's not forget that dear brother. And let's also not forget your weird stalking obsession with her between the ages of 13 and 17 which only ended when you fell in love with Fern Britton.
Luv Mike
It was claudia winkleman actually
Lucy and I would be happy to tell you everything, good sirs, if you can better the News Of The World's very generous offer. Yes. Good day to you.
I'm technically related to these bastards Jason, don't tell them anything, though they'll probably get it out of me via chinese burns one christmas so brace yourself...
Whoo hoo! This is very cool, Jason.
I must confess that I actually liked Story.
Then you must die Pillock!
Count yourself lucky that I no longer live in Devon and can't fit you in until a week next wednesday.
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