That's how long I now have to write my first draft for the motion picture presently known as ASK. To say I'm excited is an understatement. Director Dan and I have settled on the right treatment: now it's just a matter of writing the script. As long as I write at least three pages a day, I'll be fine. And could you possibly have a cooler deadline than Halloween, I ask you?
This is very very very very exciting.
Ohh, Helen Smith. You're lovely, you.
You'll do that easy!
He's a clever bugger that Jason Arnopp.
Adric's Left foot
Yay, that's great. And Halloween is a fabulous deadline :)
Very cool. If you're not careful, your bio is going to take up the whole sidebar!
And yes, I love Halloween as much as my girlfriend loves Christmas (a fair bit). I have a cookie-jar in the shape of a ghost from which I distribute sweets. It promises Ghostly Goodies. Hooooh, yes.
Three pages a day? A mere bagatelle! Happy writing.
you are like a writing Ferrari!
31 days? Pssh, i once wrote a 95 page spec draft from a treatment in FOUR days
...Of course it was shite, but that's not the point.
Are you able to tell us anything about ASK? Could you give some tantalising hints like RTD's prodution notes in DWM - it contains the words "phlange" and a very interesting use of Barbie Girl by Aqua - that kind of thing!
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