Doctor Who: The Gemini Contagion

Woo-hoo!  Now that online outlets like Amazon UK have started listing this item with my name attached, I can announce what I've been dying to tell you for a while.  I've written a Doctor Who BBC audiobook, featuring the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond.

It's called The Gemini Contagion.  The reader has yet to be confirmed. The CD (and presumably download) is not out until March 3, 2011, so I won't be telling you much about the story now, except to say that, as the title suggests, it does centre on some kind of outbreak.

I can definitely tell you that I loved every single second of writing it and that it very much represents me and the kind of stories I like to tell. Hopefully, like my Sarah Jane Adventures: Deadly Download - out now, folks - it's also about something, in addition to being a big old barnstorming adventure in time and space.

Couldn't be more thrilled, I tell you!  Roll on March.


Anonymous said...

Hurrah! And bravo!

John Higgs said...

Yay! Great stuff. Can you say how long it is, as in, is it one of these new shorter 'just over an hour' jobbies?

Piers said...

Yay for Arnopp!

Jason Arnopp said...

Thanks guys!

JH: It is indeed a single-disc affair. But I found you can pack quite a lot into that time! Hope you enjoy it if you eventually pick it up.

Anonymous said...

Now I remember you. I think I wrote something about giving up writing on one of your posts. And now we're both on Twitter! Weird. Anyway, I'm still writing - and love Dr. Who by the way; if I wrote for them my five year old daughter would be proudest little girl in the world. I'm also making short, very cheap films on youtube. The frustration of getting none of my writing produced led to me to it. I have had some oneliners on Newsjack, a BBC 7 satire show, but nowt else. Sorry I'm rambling.

Anonymous said...

You are a huge inspiration, mr arnopp. Congratulations, and may the Dr Who train keep rolling.

laurence timms said...

Bloody well done, sir. [salutes]

Paul Campbell said...

Hurrah for the continuing Whovian adventures of Mr Arnopp!