Gentlemen, Start Your Story Engines

Been traveling around a lot lately, as I'm working for a new online drama production, based outside London. Blimey, there's a lot of online drama about, no? But I'm having real fun with this one, and think it'll go the distance.

I'm traveling again today, heading up north for The Story Engine, aka The Northern Screenwriters' Conference. If you're vaguely near the area and like a bit of screenwriting, then you simply must attend. Because if you don't, myself and event-speakers James Moran and David Lemon will pay you a visit and tickle your extremities until you perish from the sheer delight of it all. Could be messy.

Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire scribbler Simon Beaufoy is speaking at the event, which also features various workshops and of course networking ops. See you there. Or, at your place, for the ticklage.


  1. Another one who's travelling up the day before.

    I unfortunately, will be getting up at 5am, and travelling up on the day :(

    Kick me if you notice I'm asleep :)

  2. Hi Jason,

    Would be interested to hear more about it for our coverage of Web shows here at Futurescape.TV

    All the best,


  3. For those of us who aren't local, is there an equivalent Southern Screenwriters Convention?
