Doctor Who Magazine: The Return

One of the greatest sacrifices I made this year was forsaking Doctor Who Magazine work, in order to concentrate on scripting - with the result that I haven't had any writing in the mag since June. In November, though, I was very pleased to find time to write a Review Of The Year piece for DWM, which is in the festive issue out today.

This may well be my last pre-Christmas blog post. So if I don't shriek to you again beforehand, have the finest Christmas available to humanity! See you on the other side.


  1. So not content with murdering dear sweet M. Arnopp you now write for DWM in his name?

    Shocking behaviour Moran, you are a cad and a villain of the most monstrous proportions.

  2. Never fear, M. Stickler. He hasn't got the tone quite right. The police will be onto him in no time at all.

  3. Unless... he owns the police...

  4. I had to keep the subterfuge going, which meant finishing the DWM article he did. And taking the money, naturally.

    As for the police, I AM THE LAW.

    Word verification: funtran. How appropriate, considering the late Mr Arnopp's hobbies.
