Big Mistake: Cast & Crew Screening

Remember when I said that the previous post might be my last before Christmas? Well, it clearly was not. Last night, Dan Turner threw a cast 'n' crew bash for his new short, Big Mistake. He wrote and directed it, I script-edited it and lots of wonderfully talent people helped make it. In the above photo, neither actress Ty Glaser nor actor/writer/radio-fella Richard Glover were involved with Big Mistake, but aren't they gorgeous? Furthermore, Ty starred in Dan's previous short Go My Way. Richard starred in Look At Me, which I scripted, and has also formed the sketch show Splendid with Dan. Nice. Anyway, back to Big Mistake...

The screening was held at Soho's De Lane Lea rooms, and immediately lent glamour by the presence of a Tunis cake. Dan and I had long feared this spongy, chocolatey, marzipanny festive treat to be a thing of the past, but one was spotted in a Tesco's and promptly ferried to the screening, even featuring in Dan's pre-screening speech. Tremendous.

Here, we see BM focus puller Rich Swingle take a manful bite as Dan solemnly documents the occasion:

It was great to see Big Mistake on the big screen, and it looked great. I certainly felt proud to have been a part of it. Strange, of course, to walk into a comfy screening room, watch a film for five minutes and then walk out again, but Dan doesn't believe in doing things by halves. Crucially, the short's two present actors. Matthew Judd and Jordan Pitt, seemed very happy with it. Here they are, with Dan, being very happy with it:

If you weren't at the screening, then dry those eyes and head over here to watch Big Mistake in its online glory. Just follow the Big Mistake link on that homepage. Dan's also planning to examine Big Mistake's genesis from script to screen, on his blog, so keep an eye out for that, you beautiful petunia, you.


  1. I liked the film. Good ending and well shot!

  2. I'll have you know I am less of a petunia and more of a delphinium.

    I didn't get invited to this either then??

    Did we have some kind of blog divorce I don't know about?

    And who is going to divide our assets??


  3. Cheers Brendan!

    And madam, please accept my sincere apologies for this oversight. I had literally no idea that you were among the cast and crew on Big Mistake!

  4. NOR DID I!

    But clearly I was and thus you must ALL DIE.
