Doctor Who, this Saturday...

Since I began writing for Doctor Who Magazine, which as you'd expect from its name is the show's official print title, I had to change the way I wrote about Who on the internet. As I'd effectively become part of the show's peripheral machine - reading scripts up-front and generally being placed in a position of high trust - it wouldn't do for me to be scribbling opinions on episodes before or indeed after they aired, or generally talking much about new Who in media outside of the Magazine. All of which is absolutely fair enough and as it should be.

So as usual, I won't be saying anything about this Saturday's episode, Utopia.

I will, however, throw my hat in my air and do a little dance.

That goes for the two remaining episodes after Utopia, as well. Just imagine me doing the hat/dance combo each week, yes?


PS Incidentally, DWM has just posted an Assistant Editor vacancy on the Guardian's jobs board, if anyone fancies it...


  1. I won't ask you again Arnopp.

    is it...?

  2. He IS a complete tease. But my lips are sealed... ; )

  3. the BBC press release for the season finale utterly blows the gaffe. Which is a shame.
    Mind you... why the hell did I read it?
    Am i mad?

  4. Oh my God.

    You weren't wrong, eh.

    Best run of episodes ever?
