C4's Making 'em Laugh event... Goodbye, social life...

Attended this two-hour thang this afternoon and enjoyed it very much. Heat's TV editor Boyd Hilton chaired a Q&A with Nira Park (producer of Shaun Of The Dead, Hot Fuzz, Spaced and Black Books), Andrew Newman (C4's Head of Entertainment), Phil Clarke (producer of Brass Eye and Peep Show) and Ash Atalla (producer of The Office and The IT Crowd). So it was a really good collection of interviewees, even if 'advertised' Peep Show writers Jesse Armstrong and Sam Bain were no-shows. And everyone who attended was given an invite for the 4Talent launch party this Thursday. Hooray! Oh yes, there will be schmoozing.

The talk was pleasingly slanted towards how writers can get into comedy. Tired now, so won't (can't) go into detail, but by God I will. Trust me. Don't I have an honest face?

Sod ya, then.

Extremely busy at the moment. Tomorrow, I'm interviewing Lee Mead, the winner of Any Dream Will Do, for heat magazine. I've got advertorial stuff to write, crosswords to compile (did I mention I do a bit of that as a nice little sideline?), a big ol' feature for Doctor Who Magazine and of course my script(s) to work on. And no doubt other stuff I've forgotten. So sacrifices will have to be made. Tomorrow, for instance, I have two film screenings to go to, but I'm seriously thinking of cancelling both, just to give myself more work time at home.

If you want to make an omelette, don't go to film screenings. That wouldn't help at all.

1 comment:

  1. You can't just rule out omelettes purely because you like going to the pictures. Seems a bit eggstreme to me.

    Anyway, looking forward to hearing all about the C4 event. Wish there was more of that kind of thing in my area, they mostly seem to be in your neck of the woods.
