A Note About Notepads

Recently, I conducted a search for a notepad which contained Important Stuff for a journalistic piece I was working on. A slightly frenzied search, if I'm honest, but that's another story. During the hunt, though, as I flicked through at least seven different pads, I found scribbled ideas for stories, or moments in a story, or just a piece of dialogue.

So here's a sixth aim to add to my list (see below), split into two parts...

(6A) Go through these notepads and type all these ideas into one Word file.

(6B) From now on, keep one notepad in my jacket pocket at all times. And be religious about using it solely for story ideas, etc. As opposed to people's phone numbers or lists of Bills To Pay...

1 comment:

  1. can you type my notebooks up after you've done yours? each time i've tried to do it it made me feel like dipping my face in acid. i think it's the dust.

    6B is coooooooool
