Doctor Who Magazine 382

It's out today and it involves around 7000 of my words. Luckily, I got to choose the order in which they appear, too.

This issue, I have a big ol' feature on the third episode of this series, Gridlock, plus previews of episode seven (which will now be broadcast on May 19 rather than May 12, because of the Eurovision Song Contest) and the two-parter which will be eight & nine. Oh, and a side-panel on the tone meeting for episode two, The Shakespeare Code.

Talking about Doctor Who tone meetings, attending these provides some of the best education I could hope for as a writer. Generally, the scripter isn't present and - as most of you will know - the meeting involves combing through the script, working out how various sets/images/FX will be achieved. If they seem unworkable, then things are dropped or changed and notes are made which the writer will then have to incorporate. While we scribblers obviously shouldn't restrict our imagination in terms of what production teams might not be able to afford/achieve, it doesn't hurt to maintain a certain sense of practical reality, I'll wager...

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