Doctor Who Ultimate Art Auction!

I was asked to donate a piece of art to The Ultimate Doctor Who Art Auction Round 2, organised by the tireless Robin Miller in aid of London's Great Ormond Street Hospital, Maggie's and Children With Cancer UK.  So I produced this extraordinary work.  Just soak in the QUALITY of it.  Take a moment.  Yeah.

So that's up for grabs in the new auction and I'm pleased to say it's had a few bids.  But here's the thing: loads of other, way more thrilling Doctor Who-related people have donated unique pieces of art...

We're talking people like Russell Tovey, Bill Bailey, Closing Time director Steve Hughes, Sontaran performer Dan Starkey, Olivia Colman, The Doctor, The Widow & The Wardrobe director Farren Blackburn, Sarah Parish, Robert Shearman and loads more.  Click on any of these names to be taken to their auction.  Hopefully this link should take you to all of Robin's auctions, which also include some Olympic-themed material.

Robin Miller's blog is here.  What a splendid gentleman.  Anyway, what are you waiting for?  Go buy some art!

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