Stormhouse UK Release Confirmed

Now, then.  Look at that for a top-notch 3D box.

Yes, Stormhouse has a UK DVD release.  It'll be out through High Fliers on July 9.  Exciting stuff.  John Carpenter's The Thing is my all-time favourite horror film, so it's wonderful that's box-quote compares us to that stone cold classic.

You can pre-order Stormhouse at Amazon UK here.  If you've already seen and liked the film, feel free to hit that 'Like' button, or write a review.  All very much helps an indie feature, believe me.

The High Fliers page for Stormhouse can be found here, complete with teaser trailer, cast and crew details and image gallery.

If you're a UK journalist and would like to review the film, please register your interest at the e-mail address 'stormhousefilm at gmail dot com', and we will forward to High Fliers.

Stormhouse had its world premiere at the Edinburgh International Film Festival last year, followed by the London premiere at the mighty Film 4 FrightFest and the US premiere at Screamfest LA.  It was released on Region 1 DVD via Lionsgate in February this year.

I beg you to have a splendid day.

My Amazon-acclaimed non-fiction ebook How To Interview Doctor Who, Ozzy Osbourne And Everyone Else is out now on Amazon UK, Amazon US and Amazon Germany, among others.  You can also get a Triple Pack of files (PDF, ePub, Kindle/mobi) direct from me.  Full details here, you splendid individual.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen it yet - I love the premise so I will. Glad it's got a UK release. I don't know how many great British horror films I've had to buy from on Region 1 (or on terrible bootleg copies if it's desperate).
