Stormhouse Needs YOU

The Stormhouse teaser trailer, as the title of this very blog-post subtly implies, is now on YouTube.  Which means the trailer now belongs to the internet, to do with as it will.

If you like the trailer, and/or like supporting indie films which genuinely need support and assistance, then feel free to engage in any of the following fun activities:


Link to the teaser with this link:  Or the handily-shortened version:

Embed the teaser into your own blog/webspace, just as I did on this very blog, by following the above link to YouTube, hitting 'Share', then grabbing the brief bit of code.

Hit 'Like' on the teaser's YouTube page, via above link.  Provided you liked it, obviously.


Go to the film's new Facebook page here and be among the first people to hit 'Like'.

Post something like this on your wall:
In 2002, the military captured and imprisoned a supernatural entity:


Tweet something like this:
In 2002, the military captured and imprisoned a supernatural entity: #Stormhouse

Follow Stormhouse's progress on its Twitter page here.

Everything and anything you can do to help spread Stormhouse awareness will be much appreciated.  Thank you, you effervescent human being.


  1. Happy to help in every way I can as this sounds amazing YES!!

  2. It looks great - congratulations to you and Dan.

  3. Blogged, booked and tweeted, sir.

  4. Yay! It looks great. I have Facebooked and Tweeted. Can't wait to see it. Congratulations to you and Dan.
