London Comedy Writer's Festival: Ticket Discount!

Thank God!  There you are.  Where have you been?  I've been worried sick.  Hope you're pleased with yourself.

Anyway, now you've finally decided to show your face, you cheeky whippersnapster, I can tell you about The London Comedy Writers Festival 2011, which sounds like a right hoot and useful to boot, for those who fancy a career in chuckle-smithery or indeed those who are already carving out such a thing.

It happens in London on April 9 and 10, with a pre-registration shindig on the 8th if you're game.  Confirmed guests include the legendary Griff Rhys Jones, Jon Plowman (the man who commissioned The Office), Jessica Hynes (nee Stevenson), Red Dwarf creator Doug Naylor, The Inbetweeners script editor Robert Popper and Avalon's John Thoday.

You can gauge the sessions' plentiful nature by examining the hectic density of this PDF schedule for the Saturday.  The whole thing's run by the same people who brought you the widely-lauded 2010 London Screenwriters' Festival, so organisation should be top-notch.

Tickets are £149 each, but woo-hoo!  Readers of this blog can secure a mighty discount of £25 on each and every ticket purchased by entering the top-secret discount code 'BLOGGERY' during the purchasing process here.  Lovely!  Good day to you!

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