Doctor Who: Short Trips

After a few months of keeping it under my hat, it's lovely to announce that I've written one of the stories for Big Finish's forthcoming Doctor Who: Short Trips range.

Short Trips was once Big Finish's series of licensed books, compiling various short stories together - mostly under umbrella themes. I contributed the story Christmas Every Day to Short Trips: Christmas Around The World, which was released in December 2008, but soon after, those books came to an end. Thankfully, that Christmas book's editor Xanna Eve Chown didn't forget me and got in touch a little while back, asking if I'd like to write something for the rebirth of Short Trips... on audio!

My story, The Lions Of Trafalgar, features the Fifth Doctor (that's Peter Davison, in case you're a non-Whovian), along with companions Nyssa and Tegan. Like all of the stories on these new Short Trips CDs, it will be read by one person, yet to be decided. Whoever ends up reading it, I couldn't be more thrilled.

The Short Trips CDs will be out later this year. Among the other writers on board are James 'Trousers Off' Moran, Simon Guerrier, former TV Who script editor Andrew Cartmel, Richard Dinnick and former Sixth Doctor Colin Baker himself! Remarkable. Most of the other writers are triumphant winners of a competition which Big Finish ran to harvest new talent - congratulations to them all!

I also have a couple of other Big Finish irons in the fire, which I don't believe I can reveal yet. Needless to say, when I can, you'll soon know all about it. Oh yes.

Big Finish's Short Trips announcement today can be read here.


  1. I'm thrilled at the prospect of the Short Trips on audio - I miss the book collections.

    Looking forward to hearing your story, Jason - congratulations on being invited to contribute.

  2. Over the flipping moon for you. Great news.

  3. Well done!!! Great gig! Looking forward to hearing it.

  4. I'm excited about the Short Trips CDs as well - I was one of the winners! Hurrah!

  5. I'm excited about the Short Trips CDs as well - I was one of the losers
