Screenwriters' Festival Update: Doctor Who Sessions

I'm very pleased to announce that I'll be hosting one of the Doctor Who sessions at this October's Screenwriters' Festival. Tremendous.

My session will focus on the pre-millennial show and the people behind it. Confirmed names are: Terrance Dicks (legendary writer of both the TV show and countless wonderful Doctor Who Target novels and script editor 1970-1974), Philip Hinchcliffe (classic producer of Who's wonderful 'gothic' Tom Baker period from 1974-77), Andrew Cartmel (splendid script editor 1987-89). All of these people delight me - they're men I'm excited to meet, let alone interview on a stage at my favourite screenwriting event.

Some post-millennial Who names have also been announced, for a different SWF session: James Moran (writer of The Fires Of Pompeii and part-time goat-straddler), James Strong (director of many fine eps) and Gareth Roberts (writer of many fine eps). Excellent.

The Screenwriters' Festival runs from October 26-29 at Cheltenham Ladies' College, and as usual, will be an unmissable event for anyone serious about contributing to the world of moving-picture entertainment. Get your tickets here, you cheeky little sapphire.


  1. Ooooh luvverly.

    (And today's verification word is "Codswin" - a corruption of "codswain"", to whit: a lover of cod.)


  2. You lucky Munki you!

    I'm guessing this would be the reason I've not been seeing your name on the Delegate List this year... because they've only decided to make you a fixture and/or fitting!

    I shall now sit in a small corner and hope the green goes from eyes before the 26th of October...

  3. Nice work. Though I did get a Facebook message which billed you scarily as "moderator" making me think that you can't be bargained with. You can't be reasoned with. You don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear.

    Such an approach though would make the Q & A very interesting...

  4. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
