Scribomeet This Week!

It's been a while since there was a proper get-together of scribblers. Thankfully, the unstoppable Piers Beckley and Sara Baroni have stepped up to the plate and organised one.

Shrieks Piers, dressed as the Devil: "It's in the Knights Templar pub in London on Thursday 16th July from 7pm till closing! In this pub at this time we will be drinking beer, and talking about the UK screenwriting industry!"

Sounds great to me. See you there.

And coming very soon, like some kind of crazy Trident missile: a full and frank report from the London screening of our sketch show Splendid. For attendee Phill Barron's delightful account of the evening, click here, why don'tcha? UPDATE: Splendid co-creator Dan 'Mr Daniel' Turner has just posted a post too!


  1. Do the next one on a Saturday night, then I can come too ;-)

  2. Maybe I'll see you there... ;)
