Doctors: It's Not What You Think It Is

So you might imagine BBC One's Doctors to be a cosy little drama, full of loveably eccentric physicians riding around country lanes on bicycles and treating lovely old ladies. Here's the TV mag sum-up for today's episode, at 1.45pm:

Jimmi is trapped in the flat of a female paedophile who is dying of emphysema.

Quite remarkable. As ever, I shall be watching. Join me.


  1. Only watched this once during a fluey day off. It did seem to me then that, amid all the pedestrian soapy stuff, the writers were having fun/staying sane by working in their own quirky, quietly subversive ideas. I suppose they get away with it because no-one was watches/pays much attention.

  2. Someone's fishing for a doctors script commission...

  3. ... and someone's coming across as rude, from behind an invisible profile. You don't fish for commissions by publicly praising shows, "htww".

    Hi David!

  4. I remember seeing a doctors that was shot entirely in the style of a noir detective film, tell me what other midday show has the humour/balls to do that?

  5. Doctors is a strange programme ranging from the really intriguing and fun episodes to the plain awful and worst soap melodramatics. I can't recall another programme with such a wide range in quality. Usually a programme is either uniformly bad (******) or uniformly good (Apparitions).

    I still have the Noir episode on tape. White Queen I think it's called.

  6. I've written episodes of Doctors and found it a thoroughly enjoyable business. But in my case, the more outre story concepts I proposed never got through. Hey ho.

    In some cases I was too ambitious about what could be done in the time, or not focused enough on some or other aspect that makes the show tick, but I did put some pretty wild ideas forward. One of them involved a ghost, or at any rate something that seemed to be a ghost, and that resulted in the Doctors team debating whether or not there was an afterlife in the cosmology of the show.

    Having seen the Christmas Holby, which featured ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future, I guess they've made their mind up on that front now.

  7. Jon and Spec

    It as indeed called The White Queen.

    And 'twas me wot wrote it. Pleased to see that it has an afterlife!

  8. i watched this one! It was really good! Really moving. I even liked the fuddy duddy doctor chasing the hot female doctor! It made me think I could watch this show if stories of the day were like this ...

    Adrian R - I watched some of that Holby episode you were talking about. I couldn't watch it - the ghost was too OTT for my liking.

  9. My fave was The Awakening by Lol Fletcher - a horror episode of Doctors. It was fab and very adventurous for day time TV. All the Vivienne rape storyline stuff was very moving too. She's such a phenomenal actor.
