Peep Show: The Scripts

Tomorrow, a splendid new Peep Show book hits the shelves. Entitled Peep Show: The Scripts and More, it's stuffed full of delights. For a start, it has every single Peep Show script from every single series - yes, all 30 of them. It also throws in some extra, specially-created bits of amusement, such as fictitious e-mails, letters and internal memos between the characters, plus a foreword from stars David Mitchell and Robert Webb.

Of particular interest to budding sitcom scripters, though, will be the Genesis Of An Episode segment, at the end. This takes a frank look at how Series Three, Episode Six came to be, changing a fair deal along the way. We get the ultimately discarded Paris-set first draft in its entirety, as well as notes from script editor Iain Morris, producer Phil Clarke and producer Robert Popper. Illuminating indeed. Add it to your Christmas list at once!

In case you missed it, my interview with Peep Show writers Jesse Armstrong and Sam Bain can be found here.

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  1. It may already be out in some naughty shops - I say this as I flipped through a copy in a well-known London Chain (cryptic clue: Skoob Cte) just yesterday. And which section caught my eye? Indeed, the section on how they make an episode.
    Anyway, enough of that: give me gunny back, you've had your turn.

  2. Great stuff! Thanks for the heads up on the head-cam...related material.

  3. Tag, mo-fo.

  4. That's my holiday reading sorted!

  5. I shall be demanding my copy from the stout yeoman at W H Smith Victoria Station tomorrow morning!
