Christmas Is Coming

I'm back from the flurry of guns, booze and barbecue that was Austin, Texas, and my brain is slowly recovering. For now, take a look at the just-released cover of the Doctor Who short story collection, Short Trips: Christmas Around The World, for which James Moran and I have written compellingly tremendous tales. And no mistake. Oh, and new Sarah Jane Adventures is on BBC One, right now!


  1. NEVER!

    Don't try and make me, I'LL SCREAM

    Welcome back, blog hubby. Wotcha bring me? I hope not a blog STI

  2. I brought you back a cow's head, madam. You like? Hmmm?

  3. I LOVE IT.

    You're my favourite blog-hub, you know

  4. Gasp. How many blog-hubs do you HAVE? Bigamist!

  5. Funk Master A! Yer back! Outstanding! Seems like little over a week ago since I was discussing my RP entry with you down the phone to your tiny cramped airport hotel room. Oh, it was. And SJ Adventures was on, er, an hour ago. Darn, then I've missed it. Pah.
    But welcome back all the same!
    re previous post. Big guns hurur, hrur.
    And should that be "blogamist"? Hahahha (wipes tear from eye) I'm *so* funny...

  6. Congratulations on the 'Who' short story. Will add it to my Christmas List- and for returning to Blight black eye free (poor Mr Moran. Still as injuries go, it's pretty macho).

  7. That's actually rather cool, sir. Congrats.
