Big Brother: What The Housemates Did Next

"This year, 12 million people went into the Big Brother house," said documentary-maker Lee Kern last night, towards the end of the hour-long doc Big Brother: What The Housemates Did Next, "so I haven't got time to put them all into the film."

No, Lee, that's not quite right. You haven't got time to put them all into the film, because you've made an hour-long documentary about yourself, and how funny you are, with some added Big Brother housemates acting as foils to your endless gags.

Cheers for that.


  1. Yes - I watched this last night, and although there were some funny bits and some well-deserved digs at many of the contestants, it did come across as a bit too mean-spirited; and, as you say, much of it was little more than an excuse for Lee to be 'funny' and 'clever' at other people's expense.

  2. He was funny but I agree, it did feel like the programme was a vehicle for the presenter and I started wondering whether the presenter wanted fame as badly as the contestants but he was couching it in something legit. And what happened to the other housemates?

  3. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. Big Brother is to broadcasting what Matthew Hopkins was to female emancipation. Hate it.

    I come back, time and time again, to a single question ... what is the point of Big Brother? The first series had some worth - it was a fascinating social experiment. We were watching lab rats as they formed alliances and exhibited strange behaviours as they became detatched from society. But the inmates (a much better word) of Series 2 went in knowing what to expect ... and ever since then it's just been a constant flow of freaks and fame wannabes. So, Channel 4, what is the point of Big Brother? Is it just to point at the freaks?

    I thought we grew out of that sort of thing 100 years ago.

    Sorry for the polemic Jason!
