Cheltenham Screenwriters' Festival: Hors D'Oeuvres

The Cheltenham Screenwriters' Festival 2008 is over. I am home.

It was, without doubt, the finest writing-related event I've ever attended. Great on every level. Socially, I was hanging around with some of the most splendid human beings in the known universe, while meeting great new people too. Professionally, my brain was being gloriously primed for the next 12 months. I'll be telling you why as I roll out my post-SWF coverage, over the next week or so, with talk from the likes of Tony Jordan, Jane Tranter and Barbara Machin. But listen: if you're serious about screenwriting, and didn't go this year because of money, then get a large tupperware box and start adding a single, shiny pound coin to it every day. By next April or so, you'll have your entry fee for SWF 2009. Nice.

Here are some of my favourite pictures from the event, which sum up the alcohol-infused, chuckle-heavy, atmosphere-rich buzz of SWF 2008...

TV's James Moran, seen here pairing up with an incredible script guru whose name I forget, in order to agree on the main beats of upcoming horror sequel, The Exorcist The Fifth...

Lesson One: if you go to the bar, be sure to leave your camera on the table. Because that scamp Danny Stack will take the photograph of the year with it...

See that Lee Thomson, who looks miserable on his blog? He's so not. Here he is, amused by Isabelle Brizec's hilarious knock-knock joke.

Faintheart writer and blogger David Lemon and I, shortly before a wrestling bout to decide the pronounciation of Lemon. "Say it like the fruit! Say it like the fruit!" he shrieked, as he repeatedly pushed my face into gravel...

Jennifer Davidson and I. As you can see, I'm entirely unaware of the camera in this shot. Lord yes.

Piers Beckley is shocked to see Dan Turner's face, stuck on a plinth, saying stuff about people having left Cheltenham Library...

David Bishop has a little stroll...

Andy Conway and I compare hats. Mine is tiny...

Stuart and Piers: look at their delighted little faces...

The illicit joy that is one of Piers' hotel room parties. Look! There's Martin Adams, slumped against a TV...

Speaks for itself, this one...

Terry Pratchett and an utter goose-head...

Jennifer Davidson, Piers, Stuart, Jon Peacey...

At table, from left: Peacey, Thomson, Carver and Clague aren't happy to be interrupted while rehearsing their barbershop quartet routine.

The gang take time out to hunt for internet trolls, beneath a bridge...

Danny, loving the chocolate fountain/strawberry interface...

Dan, on the other hand, boycots the fountain, on grounds of cruelty to marshmallows.


  1. It looks like much fun (and chocolate) was had by all - looking forward to your notes. Tupperware sell a special 'grape locker' - no lie!

  2. Tupperware box in place – just added my first shiny pound – see you next year.

  3. Hoorah!!! I didn't end up looking like a complete pillock!!!

    Ah, this all brings back happy memories. Ta!

    ...and the Barbershop's coming along nicely... we are The Be-Sharps!

  4. aw loved looking at them bloggy fizogs!

  5. What extremely fine people you all are. It was an honour to spend the week with you. But for heaven's sake, did you have to tell people I know how to smile?

  6. I have just stolen some time at a PC long enough to say thank you for the pics Mister Arnopp, sir. And I'll just add this:

    This Autumn scares come from ONE movie: The Exorcist, The FIFTH!!!!!

  7. That all looked like fun - and you got a photo with Terry P! Marvellous.

    I shall instigate the Arnopp Tupperware Box and Pound plan post haste.

  8. You complete and utter bastards! You had fun when I wasn't there!

    You wait, next year I'll be there and I'll have just as much as fun as you. No, even more.

  9. Oh wow! Thanks Jason. Those pictures captured the moments I mailed your blog to my hubby in excitement because its so much easier to show him Stuarts yellow pad of villianous monologue, than explain it. Looking forward to meeting everyone next year at the tupperware room party.
