The Bionic Dan

If like me, you watch over the scribosphere like a demented hawk, it won't have escaped your attention that director Dan Turner's blog recently winked out of existence, in the manner of some lovely little imploding star. Initially, I thought he'd taken it down the laundrette and forgotten to retrieve it. Or sold it to Nazis. Or perhaps it had been stolen, like certain planets on this season of Doctor Who.

But no - Dan has simply been regrouping and rebuilding, doing what Dan does. Bigger, better, more more more. And today he's back, launching a brand new blog here (note the new URL, if you had him on your blogroll) and an all-singing, all-dancing official Dan Turner website. On the latter, you can see teasers for his short films Look At Me (what I wrote) and Go My Way (what I did not), clips from his debut feature film Experiment and a spanking new showreel for 2008 (I should probably clarify, right here and now, that it doesn't actually feature spanking. But it does have eyes embedded in walls, bizarre creatures made from flourescent strip-lights and people jumping in front of tube trains.)

Oh... and you can download Look At Me. In its entirety. Then watch it and everything. Mental! Hope you enjoy it, if you haven't already had the pleasure. We've been getting some great feedback from industry folks. One major TV player described one scene as "one of the creepiest things I've ever seen", while another branded Dan and I "mad, brilliant bastards". Best compliment ever, I'm saying.

A small matter to close on, because everyone else in the world is probably aware of it already: Google Reader is a really handy tool for keeping up with blogs. I'm addicted to reading the damn things, and although I love it, I spend too much time on tour, checking around to see who's updated their page. Google Reader gathers them all together (well over 20 on mine) in one place and feeds you the new posts. Don't you love it when the internet actually manages to save you time? Don't you? Oh, okay, then. Stop sneering at me discovering Google Reader 2000 years after its invention and head off to Dan's gaff. Gertcha!

PS Starting Tuesday: a daily, three-part chat with Toby Whithouse, Doctor Who writer and creator of Being Human and No Angels. It's a gem!


  1. I'm subscribed to 47 feeds in Google reader. If only that was a good thing...

  2. Like some floppy-haired, Edwardian-attired, short-lived American-British hybrid hero...
    he's back... and its about time.
