Happy Birthday To Me

Why, what with all the excitement of late, I completely forgot that my poor little blog is over one year old! Stuart Perry's latest post reminded me that, yes, it's been something like 400 days since I attended that inspirational Adrian Mead seminar, met a load of nice-people-with-blogs and decided to launch one myself with a post about the event. So I propose a toast to this blog, the people who inspired its existence and the scribosphere as a whole. I'm having fun. And if you're thinking of starting a blog, then do it. Today!


  1. Wahey! Happy blogday! I have bought you a present, but only in my mind. Still, it's the thought that counts, eh?

  2. Hoorah for Bloggery Pokery! I'm tugging on a virtual party poppper as I type.

    My first year milestone also approaches, here's to many more.

  3. I'd buy your blog a cake, except that there is no cake. The cake is a lie.

  4. Happy blogday to you and happy birthday to me. It feels nice to share a birthday with Edgar Wright and David Tennant. Woo!

  5. Hah! I never celebrated a blogday yet have been going since November 2005, first on Aol, then from Feb 2006 on Blogspot.

    Worship me.

  6. Happy Birthday to you.
    You big Blogging bugger you

  7. Thanks folks!

    You know what else I'd like, to celebrate this blogday? Abi Titmuss popping up out of a big cyber-birthday-cake.

    But no. She's fawning over Barron, over at his place. Pah!

  8. Yay yourself, Jason, you gorgeous creature - and happy blog birthday xxx

  9. Blogging birthday to you.
    Blogging birthday to you.
    Blogging birthday dear Jason
    Blogging birthday to you.

    OK. Not very imaginative but hey, at least you don't have to hear me singing.

  10. Happy Blogday, Sir.

    What a relief it must be that Rach (or her techie hubby Dave) haven't worked out how to add sound to her comment...

  11. Hi Jason. For your Blog Birthday and for the blog-link (thank's). I'm sending you THIS

    Sorry it's not Abi Titmuss. Happy Blogday.

  12. Happy blogday. Keep it up and who knows, one day you too could receive messages from ex-glamour models.

  13. Happy blog birthday (and a bit), Lord of Arnopp. I will buy you a virtual beer, 'cos I'm pretty sure I must owe you an actual beer. That clears the debt, right?
