Love It To Death

The 393rd issue of Doctor Who Magazine is on shop shelves from today, and I've written 15 of its pages. Two of those are a piece about the cover-mounted Big Finish audio CD adventure Cuddlesome, while the others comprise a feature titled Doctor Who's All-Time 100 Greatest Death Scenes. A piece which took me quite some time to put together - especially as it features quotes from the likes of Russell T Davies, Steven Moffat (who I'm interviewing this evening - fantastic), Chris Chibnall, Terrance Dicks, Paul Cornell, Robert Shearman, Gareth Roberts and James Moran. All marvellous stuff, but oh yes, there were moments when I regretted coming up with the whole 100 Deaths concept. Still, the end result is well worth it - I only wish I hadn't written the damn thing, so I could enjoy reading it myself... Also in this issue is an interview with Gareth Roberts and a Fact Of Fiction piece on First Doctor story The Time Meddler. Lovely.


  1. Tell you what, I'll read it for you and tell you all the bits you loved.

  2. Would you do that for me, cap'n? Much obliged.

  3. So it's out today, and features quotes from someone you're interviewing today. Hmmm, time travel or cheating??

    Prostrate yourself at the feet of the Moff for me, will you my good man? Just finished watching season 1 of Joking Apart - genius!
