Where Are The Ideas?

Hmmm. Remember that ever-so-handy ideas-notebook I blogged about, many moons ago? The one you keep with you at all times, in order to scribble down handy plot, story, dialogue and miscellaneous ideas? Well, there need to be exceptions to the at-all-times thing. Don't, whatever you do, take that ideas notebook to a house party, get completely pissed up on booze, then somehow lose the notebook on the way home. No, don't be doing that.

Of course, it may turn up at the partyhouse when people wake up today, covered in sick and streamers. We shall see. Lost a pair of glasses too. Bah.


  1. Your notebook will have sick on it, so let it go Jase, set it free...


    Send me a logline or I'll send the boys round...

  2. A note book of mine once fell out of my pocket and into a pub toilet while I was pissing in it.

    Yes, I did fish it out, wash it off and I still have it somewhere.

  3. Jason
    What a coincidence - I was walking home in the moonlight the other day wishing that I could find something that would help me to generate more ideas for screenplays. And what do you think I found? OK, it's got some sick on it, so it smells a bit, but that little notebook has been the most marvellous source of ideas. The strangest thing? The name in the front of it looks a bit like yours.

    I'm at the Cheltenham Screenwriter's Festival next week - hopefully see you there.

  4. Let this be a lesson to you. In the future, back up that notebook. Carry a photocopier at all times.

  5. Better than being boozed up on piss.

  6. That's good news. Now you're free to buy a fresh notebook and think up all new ideas!

  7. Thanks for your sympathy folks, but here's the BIG UPDATE: My items have been found at the party-house! There's been no mention of sick, so that's reassuring.

    Helen Smith, you've been outed as a pretender to the Arnopp notebook. Or something. :) Looking forward to meeting you at Cheltenham!

  8. Damn! I was hoping to steal all your ideas next time I'm down in That Fancy London, visiting Bex.

    And I need new glasses.

  9. keep backup notebook in other pocket and while waiting in line for stuff, transfer main notes to backup book

  10. Actually I have the notebook - or at least the ideas from it. I went to your friend's house Jason, copied everything in it, then let you retrieve it thinking your ideas were safe. Well they're not. HAH! While you were at The Screenwriters' Fest I even wrote scripts of ALL of them. got some peeps interested and everything... Cheers, get drunk again some time. Beeyatch.
