Cheltenham Screenwriters Festival, July

Well, dip me in salsa and bite my legs off if this doesn't look like a fine event. Found out about it over at Dom's place.

So, what's the story with this four-day bonanza? Anyone go in 2006, which appears to have been its inaugural year? Anyone going this time?


  1. By the accounts I heard, last year's n00bday sucked, while the professional days were top-notch.

    I've booked for all 4 this year. Should be fun.

    Who else is in?

  2. I went to the new writers day last year, and found it really useful, but then I was a very new writer then - I think some people who'd been around for a while, and had been on courses and degrees etc found it a bit basic.

    I'm working for them this year though - unpaid, but I get in 4 free, and hopefully will get to see some of the presentations.

    Last time I looked, they were still looking for volenteers via the website.

  3. Pimped it on the blog both years - wanted to go last year, no time. Would like to go this year, no money.

    Might check out the volunteers thing, though.

  4. I went to the New Writers' Day last year and found it to be very basic, but it looks like they've learned from their mistakes and sorted a cracking four days this year.

    Am I going? The wife is pregnant with our first child and we're in the process of buying our first house, so no money. BOO HOO, SNIFF!

    If anyone wants to pay for me then I'll go :-)

  5. I think I'll almost certainly go, for all four days. Does the programming run through office hours, with nothing in the evenings?

  6. Dom, you could contact your Screen Agency and find out if they are offering any bursaries for writers to attend.

    Now that they've released the schedule for the new writer's day I might well go if I can afford to. I've got some possible funding but it won't cover all the costs.

  7. I'm entering Pitch Fever, and will go if I get through to final 10

  8. Damn, I was going to say about the funding! But South West Screen DID have some bursaries advertised, so might be worth checking that out Dom, as I seem to recall you are down here in grass chewing country!

    Jason, look forward to seeing you there. Last year the NWD ran from 1030 to 2015. They've just released the provisional schedule, [but with no times on it yet] so I'll email you a copy.

    Lianne - go on, come! It'll be great. BTW, did you know you can only book 2 or 4 days?

    If you [or anyone else] does go, then I found that the B&B booked via Cheltenham racing are the cheapest by far of those listed on the SWF website, (I paid £35pn) but I didnt look into any of the places NOT listed there.

    Lee. Hello! i'll e-mail my contact to ask if they still want anyone, but like I say, they were still advertising via the website a few days ago.

  9. I quite fancy the Fever Pitch thing too, which is insane, given that I'm much better at writing than talking...

    Thanks for the rough times info, Martin: I was wondering if it'd be worth booking a hotel on the Friday night too, and I'm guessing it will be, as there's likely to be one final boozing and indeed schmoozing session...

    I'll probably book at the Travelodge, as if I get through to the Fever Pitch final it'll be simpler and easier to get the refund for the last two nights' room.

  10. Be careful tho, you have to go through the evil Travelodge computer to book there! If you're wondering what happened to BOSS after Global Chemicals was closed down...

  11. Is anyone else booking at the Travelodge, or will I end up going mad on my own, like Alan Partridge?

  12. I thought you already were mad, you freak - don't you know all these blog people don't exist and you're talking to yourself?!?

  13. Oh God, Lucy, don't say that. I thought I'd... finally... found... some friends... who were real...
    *Breaks down and sobs*
    But why am I telling you this? You're non-existent too.

  14. My understanding is that evenings are for beer.

    Haven't booked my accomodation yet, but it's looking like the travelodge at the moment.

  15. Splendid, Piers! That'll be you AND me pretending not to be interested in the Ladyboys Pay-TV channel, then.

  16. Does that mean I don't exist then??

    I wonder why it was so dark in here...
