Restless In Camden... The Script Factory...

What a strangely dissatisfying Bank Holiday weekend it's been. Typically for me, couldn't decide whether to fully relax or fully work, so ended up doing a half-arsed mish-mash of the two. As a result, damn it all, I've decided to treat today as a work-day. Think I'll enjoy it much more than lying around, pretending to chill out (hell, I don't even like the expression 'chill out', let alone have the ability to do it), when in fact I've got journalistic deadlines and the urge to write my own stuff billowing around my brain. Clearly, my new Office Hours Regime hasn't yet made me feel okay about switching off...

Just signed up with The Script Factory at Is anyone else a member? If so, how'd you like them Script Factory apples?

Probably should've asked before joining, but I am, after all, an impulsive buffoon.

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