Final Draft's Big Break contest

Just entered my teen sci-fi script into this here contest. Kind of an impulse move, but where's the harm? It's an un-optioned script aimed at the US market, so who knows, it could do well... Entry fee is $50 before June 15, which at the current exchange rate is about 25 smackers. Tax-deductible too, as far as I'm concerned...


  1. Good luck!

    Have you recovered from the man-flu?

  2. Thanks, m'dear! I'm just about recovering now. Today I left the house and walked to Tottenham Court Road and back, so I must be improving... :)

  3. Glad to hear you're feeling better, Jason. Good luck with the Final Draft competition. Was thinking about submitting something myself, but wondering if the script I have is a bit too UK-centric.
