Doctor Who Magazine # 383

Doctor Who Magazine is fresh on the stands today: the year's most Arnopp-heavy issue. Which pleases me no end, strangely enough, even though there's once again much less for me to read. Before Doctor Who-phobes start skimming, though, I've been meaning to tell you that DWM is arguably a fine magazine for scripters, whether you're interested in the show or not. I can't think of many magazines which go behind the scenes of a television production in such detail, or with such emphasis on the writing process. This issue, for instance, there's an interview with Steven Moffat, as part of the title's ongoing Script Doctors series.

What have I got in there? Sizeable features on the recent episodes 42 and Human Nature, plus a preview of this series' final two episodes and a panel on a tone meeting I attended for The Lazarus Experiment. Splendid.

This issue is also very special for announcing James Moran's debut as Doctor Who writer extraordinaire. James will be scripting an episode for next year's Series Four, so congratulations to the man. It couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke, nor one with a more pinchable little face.


  1. Very cool, man. I hope you talked a bit of horror-comedy as you were pinching poor James' face.

  2. Does he have a pinchable face because he is secretly a hamster? As his not-so-secret lover, I can tell you he has a magnificent pouch.

    BTW, please help me and click here . You'll be doing the world a favour. Well, me actually.

  3. Happy Birthday number 35 for the weekend.

    Shave the beard though, it makes you look twelve.

  4. Happy b-day Jason! Looks like you might even get to enjoy your beer in the sunshine. Lovely!

  5. Many happy returns. Nothing wrong with being 35!

    look forward to reading DWM. You seem to be gradually taking it over! Or is it that they are getting you to do all the work while they piss off down the pub!? ;)

    Have a good one!

  6. You're all over my copy of Doctor Who magazine too. Keep your sticky mits off.

  7. Jason, great words in DWM as always. Three particular favourites were 'none more black' in your season finale preview (you've seen it, you lucky thing!).

    Many happy returns and all that too. I'm coming up to the 3-5 mark myself in a few months. Hope it's an age that feels good...

  8. Thanks for your good wishes, folks, both in birthday and DWM terms! Yes, even you, Carver. ;-)
