Ulp! Tagged!

This tagging phenomenon is new to me, but looks like I'll have to learn the hard way. The luvverly Lianne just tagged me, and now I have to come up with five goals.

In truth, this has come at the perfect time. After a hellish two months of contending with various distracting chores - mainly moving flat - Monday will see me finally able to devote Proper Time to scriptwriting. I'm a bit of an all-or-nothing, man, you see, which can work to my detriment. If I feel I only have little pockets of time for fiction-work, I won't do any at all...

Anyway, let's see. Five goals..

(1) Attempt to sell my second feature-length screenplay in Hollywood.
By this, I don't mean making my second sale. I haven't actually sold the first screenplay, see - it has just been optioned. But I really need to get to work on pushing the second script, with the obvious aim of selling it. I think it has good potential, too, being more of a teen-oriented sci-fi affair than the horror of my optioned Panik script.

(2) Write the three sample scripts which will secure me the representation of a UK agent...
... as strongly recommended in Adrian Mead's screenwriting lecture. Sadly, I don't really have any existing scripts which I can just dust down and present. This is probably a good thing - it will be nice to make my sample scripts representative of how I write now, rather than a year or two back. I mean, I reached the finals of the Kaos Short Screenplay Competition in 2004, but that somehow seems a little too far ago now. Tell someone about that, and they're likely to wonder what I've been doing since then. I did sit down the other day, though, and write out my movie/script ideas. There are at least four movie ideas and at least one possibility for each of the required 10-minute script, 30-minute script and 60/90-minute script. I may well have a brainstorm with myself this week, though, and see if anything totally fresh springs to mind.

(3) Win a scriptwriting competition or three.
This is apparently good stuff, when it comes to establishing credentials and making contacts. I already have faith in comps, as it was one of these which directly led to my Panik script being optioned. So I need to hunt out some more.

(4) Pay more attention to opportunities.
A few months ago, I had very little idea which opportunities were out there. Now, thanks to Adrian Mead's class and dipping my toe in this rather cool blog network, I know more. But I need to get into the habit of regularly circling various sites and blogs, looking for doors ajar. Perhaps I might do this at a certain time of day, as part of my New Office Hours Regime. Which brings me to...

(5) Be more regimented about my working schedule.
I'll always want a little flexibility (otherwise, after all, I might as well work in a dreaded office), but I really want to stick to this Office Hours thing I started on Monday. Hopefully, it'll lead to not only an improved body of work, but more post-work relaxation on my part. Or, indeed, relaxation full-stop...

There. Five goals, all achievable. Right now, though, Number Two looks like a fuggin' mountain. So I'd best get climbing, yes?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for playing along! And good luck with those goals. By the way, blogging etiquette dictates that you should also tag a few other bloggers with this meme...
