Hollywood bust-up

Take a look at the following link, for a truly remarkable piece of VERY behind-the-scenes footage from I Heart Huckabees.

Just imagine you're the screenwriter on I Heart Huckabees, and you get invited down to set. Heart pounding and pride soaring, you stride aboard, only to see director David O'Russell and star Lilly Tomlin having this little disagreement...

Click here

How would that feel, I wonder. :-)


  1. Didn't David O'Russell write Huckabees?

    Argh, it's one of my favourite movies, I should know this.

  2. He directed and co-wrote it, as it turns out (thanks to a quick imdb visit!). Which possibly explains how, uh, close he felt to the material...

  3. I'm surprised Hoffman didn't step in and tell them both to shut the fuck up and stop being childish. The second clip is great, where you see everyone just clearing the hell off the set. But blimey.
